Why do family members look alike?

Why do family members look alike?

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# Optional Activity: Matchup Game

In this game, you match animal mothers to their babies. Here's how to play with a group:

  1. Each person gets an envelope.
  2. Open your envelope and look for your match: mothers find their babies and babies find their mothers.
  3. When everyone has found a match, show them to the rest of the class.

See the Extensions at the end of this lesson for variations on the game.

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to pay close attention to something
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something you can observe about a living thing, such as the pointy beak of a bird
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In this Read-Along lesson, Amy notices that baby animals look a lot like the adults in their families—and then discovers that she does, too! The lesson includes a short exercise where students get moving by acting like farm animals. You can extend the lesson with the optional activity, Matchup Game, where students work together to match pictures of animals with their babies.
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