Can you see in the dark?

Can you see in the dark?

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# Optional Activity: Dark Box

You may not be able to take a field trip into a deep, dark cave, but you can make a Dark Box that lets students experiment with seeing in dim light and darkness.

Go to the next slide for instructions.

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# Optional Activity: Dark Box

A Dark Box is an opaque box with a hole in one end. Students take turns placing a message inside the box and trying to read the message through the opening. How much light do they need to see the message clearly? Students learn that they can see objects only when light shines on them. See Activity Prep below.

Dark Box
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what comes from the Sun and lamps and makes it possible to see things
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very little or no light
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a test used to discover new information about a question
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In this Read-Along lesson, Santiago visits a cave and discovers that when it's dark (really dark!) he can't see anything. The lesson includes a short exercise where students find the sources of light around them. You can extend the lesson with the optional activity, Dark Box, where students experience what it's like to try to see in the dark.
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